Great Gain(s)


A test of patient cheerful endurance
In faith currently still remains,
For the last feet members of the Church,

That will prove great gains.

These do experience ridicule

And rejection both from those near and far,
As the Gospel message they proclaim,

Even on their guitar.

Having no fleshly interests,
Just a desire to heed God’s will,
Their consciences are in tune with God’s voice,

As in their Father’s presence they remain still.

As they adhere to the Divine Words of Jehovah,

Leaning on Jesus as their rock,
They watch and pray and help others understand Divine Scriptures,

Like shepherds of a flock.

With heart and minds that desire
To know what is best,
What is purest and most righteous,

To be perfect like Christ—this is their quest.

Sacrificing every earthly and fleshly interest
Is a pleasure to do,
For it means a share in the sin offering through grace,

A privilege for only but a few.
When soon all 144,000 Bride members
Are beyond the Vail,
They shall begin their roles as the heavenly judges and kings—

WHY? Because they did not fail!

These win the prize of the High Calling,
Which was the longing of their hearts.
What mattered to these dear Ones most,
Was to please God, and of Him and His dear Son Jesus, to boast!

When Armageddon comes,
The faithful few will have been taken from earth;
They will have completed their race
Having proven their worth.
Belonging to Jesus—
They shall forever with him remain,
Bringing greatest pleasure to the Heavenly Father—
Like the Lamb of God that had once been slain.
So dear brethren in Christ Jesus
who are our crown and joy:

Let’s continue to put away behind us,
What would cloud the narrow way ahead,
Not even for a split second look back at the wrong,
Only disciplining the mind to keep focused on what Jesus has said.

Feasting on God’s Words in the Bible
Every moment we can in this life that remains,
God promises to reward justly,
For all good done, with great gains.



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