A List of Bible Students’ Resources For Teenagers and Children

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Here is a list of some great Bible Student books for children and teenagers. Of course adults can benefit too.

Character Development

A thorough discussion of the character development traits is provided in this great A4 sized workbook with questions presented to the reader regarding faith, humility, patience, brotherly kindness, and many other important character qualities. It is a great practical character examination suppliment to the doctrinal studies for any in their teen years and older, and can be purchased here: https://chicagobible.org/product/character-development/


People of the Bible

This book discusses the important people of the Bible and demonstrates how God used them in accomplishing his work and how their sacrifices contributed to the development of the plan of salvation.  This will make a great present for anyone in their teen years and older and can be purchased here: https://chicagobible.org/product/the-people-of-the-bible/



The Twelve Apostles Of The Lamb

The 83 document is a fantastic summary of each of the 12 Apostles, and can be appropriate for anyone 7 years of age and older as it tells the story of Jesus’ twelve apostles and their individual experiences. Very insightful and informative.



Adam to Zion

Written for younger readers this 187 page small book covers 93 short Bible lessons, beginning with our first parents in the Garden of Eden Old Testament,  followed by the life of Jesus and concluding with some lessons on the times we live in. A great daily read to a 7 year old and older. Adam to Zion can be purchased here: https://chicagobible.org/product/adam-to-zion-2/


God’s Promises Come True

This book is written especially for children, as it relates some of the wonderful Bible stories in a simple understandable way. (244 Pages). This book can be read directly from here: http://www.dawnbible.com/promises/promises.htm or a hard copy of this book can be purchased through either the above website at http://www.dawnbible.com, or through the Chicago Bible Students here:


God’s Plan For Everybody

This book has been written for children 8 years old and older. It is a compilation of individual lessons created to guide young minds through the stories and doctrines taught in the Bible, with beautiful pictorial scenes of the events described in the words written.

A hard copy of this book can be purchased as a beautiful gift for children whom you may wish to educate about GOD’s marvellous Divine Plan for everyone, at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Gods-Plan-Everybody-Ruth-Cunningham/dp/1467588806


Bread from Heaven

This book is intended for a child’s morning devotions. A scripture text and brief comment help the child start the day in the right direction. This lovely addition to the meal table, can be purchased here: https://chicagobible.org/product/bread-from-heaven/


Fruits and Graces In the Garden of God

This book has been developed for children 11 years and up. The primary emphasis is not only to provide a definition of each fruit and grace of character, but also to point out a variety of illustrations from Bible stories and other lessons which encourage character growth. The lessons may be challenging to children under the age of 11, however, with adult supervision, they can be adapted for younger children. Filled with stories, puzzles, word mixes and more, this book will be a delightful source of learning for Christian children. It can be purchased here: https://chicagobible.org/product/fruits-graces-in-the-garden-of-god/

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Bible Student Kids

By clicked on the image below you will be taken to a wonderful website containing lessons, activities, music and videos for children to learn about God’s divine, grand and glorious plan of the ages.

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Israel’s Tabernacle Workbook

The tabernacle was an Old Testament mobile temple that God had directed the Israelites to build. It was moved from place to place as they journeyed through the wilderness for forty years. It symbolically depicts the sacrifice of Jesus and his faithful followers. This booklet describes the overall layout as well as each article of furniture, and their symbolism. Every Christian should be aware of the beautiful details that God provided of the future ages of sacrifice and blessing. This Workbook can be purchased through the Chicago Bible Students’ Bookstore: https://chicagobible.org/product/israel-s-tabernacle/


The Greatest Ever Mystery

This short workbook highlights the Plan of God for children 8-12 years of age. Full color throughout. It can be purchased through the Chicago Bible Students’ Bookstore: https://chicagobible.org/product/israel-s-tabernacle/


My Very Own Coloring Chart

This book has 25 coloring pages that each illustrate a portion of God’s plan. With a center fold Chart of the Ages a separate self stick sheet has cut outs that can be placed on the chart. It can be purchased through the Chicago Bible Students’ Bookstore:  https://chicagobible.org/product/chart-coloring-book/


The Ten Commandments

A children’s workbook based on the Ten Commandments meant to be used as Bible Class lessons or by parents with their children. It can be purchased through the Chicago Bible Students’ Bookstore: https://chicagobible.org/product/the-ten-commandments/


The Bible Students’ Library – Children’s Section:



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